/**@overview Contains functions regarding the parse, export and download process of a Phantom.*/
// Parsable objects must contain only those parameters the loaders expect to find
// Returns a JSON string with the phantom in ParsableFiber and ParsableRegion classes
Phantom.prototype.export = function() {
/** @function export
* @memberof Phantom
* @desc Parses Fibers and Isotropic Regions in the Phantom and returns a parsed, indented string.
<br>The JSON is fully compatible with Phantomas. Name string is used as name for property in JSON file.
Uppercase, spaces and non-alphanumeric characters are removed. In case two elements
share the same name, numeric values will be added at the end.
<br>Information from fibers:
<ul><li>Control points
Information from Isotropic Regions:
* @returns {String} Parsed variable ready for pushing to download.
ParsableFiber = function(control_points, tangents, radius, color) {
this.control_points = control_points;
this.tangents = tangents;
this.radius = Number(radius);
this.color = Number(color.getHex());
ParsableRegion = function(center, radius, color) {
this.center = center;
this.radius = Number(radius);
this.color = Number(color.getHex());
var parsable_phantom = new Object;
parsable_phantom.fiber_geometries = new Object;
parsable_phantom.isotropic_regions = new Object;
this.fibers.source.forEach(function(source, index) {
var control_points = [];
// Control Points are expected in a unique string.
source.controlPoints.forEach(function(cp) {
cp.forEach(function(element) {
// Lowercase and replace spaces for underscore. Remove non alphanumeric characters.
var name = (source.name.toLowerCase()).replace(" ", "_").replace(/\W+/g, "");
// Check wheter this name exists or is empty. If so, add numbering.
var found = 0;
if (name == "") {
name = found.toString();
while (parsable_phantom.fiber_geometries[name]) {
if (found) { // If already numbered we clear the number present
name = name.slice(0, (found - 1).toString().length * -1);
name += found.toString();
var parsable_fiber = new ParsableFiber(control_points, source.tangents, source.radius, source.color);
parsable_phantom.fiber_geometries[name] = parsable_fiber;
this.isotropicRegions.source.forEach(function(source, index) {
// Lowercase and replace spaces for underscore. Remove non alphanumeric characters.
var name = (source.name.toLowerCase()).replace(" ", "_").replace(/\W+/g, "");
// Check wheter this name exists or is empty. If so, add numbering.
var found = 0;
if (name == "") {
name = found.toString();
while (parsable_phantom.isotropic_regions[name]) {
if (found) { // If already numbered we clear the number present
name = name.slice(0, (found - 1).toString().length * -1);
name += found.toString();
var parsable_region = new ParsableRegion(source.center, source.radius, source.color);
parsable_phantom.isotropic_regions[name] = parsable_region;
// null,2 automatically indents json file
var parsed_phantom = JSON.stringify(parsable_phantom, null, 2);
return parsed_phantom;
pushDownload = function(content) {
/** @function pushDownload
* @desc Pushes to the navigator the download of a string as a ddmmyyyyhhmm-phantom_save.JSON file.
<br> Requires an <a> element in the HTML with id="downloadAnchorElem".
* @param {string} content A string containing the content to be included in the file.
// From http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19721439/download-json-object-as-a-file-from-browser
function timestamp() {
// Partly from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12409299/how-to-get-current-formatted-date-dd-mm-yyyy-in-javascript-and-append-it-to-an-i
var today = new Date();
var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
var mm = today.getMonth() + 1; //January is 0!
if (mm < 10) {
mm = '0' + mm;
var dd = today.getDate();
if (dd < 10) {
dd = '0' + dd;
var hh = today.getHours();
if (hh < 10) {
hh = '0' + hh;
var mn = today.getMinutes();
if (mn < 10) {
mn = '0' + mn;
var timestamp = dd + mm + yyyy + hh + mn;
return timestamp;
var uriContent = "data:text/json;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(content);
var dlAnchorElem = document.getElementById('downloadAnchorElem');
dlAnchorElem.setAttribute("href", uriContent);
dlAnchorElem.setAttribute("download", timestamp() + "-phantom_save.json");