Class: FiberSource

FiberSource(controlPoints, nameopt, tangentsopt, radiusopt, coloropt)

A fiber bundle in Phantomas is defined as a cylindrical tube wrapped around its centerline. The centerline itself is a continuous curve in 3D, and can be simply created from a few control points. All the fibers created are supposed to connect two cortical areas.
FiberSource is the basic Class for the representation of a Fiber. Objects containing the geometries to be added to the scene are to be referred to FiberSource for gathering any necessary information.


new FiberSource(controlPoints, nameopt, tangentsopt, radiusopt, coloropt)

Name Type Attributes Default Description
controlPoints array Array-of-arrays (N, 3) containing the 3-D coordinates of the fiber Control Points.
name string <optional>
Name of the fiber, if any.
tangents string <optional>
'symmetric' Way the tangents are to be computed. Available options: 'incoming', 'outgoing', 'symmetric'
radius number <optional>
1 Fiber radius; same dimensions as controlPoints.
color number <optional>
Color in which the fiber should be displayed. If not specified, to be picked randomly from colors.
Name Type Description
observers array Objects to be notified when some change is applied


(static) addObserver(object)

Add object to this.observers property
Name Type Description
object object Object to be added to this.observers array.

(static) interpolate(ts) → {array}

Name Type Description
ts Array.<Number> | Number List of "timesteps" (or a single) between 0 and 1. From a ``FiberSource``, which is a continuous representation, to a ``Fiber``, a discretization of the fiber trajectory.
The trajectory of the fiber, discretized over the provided timesteps in an array-of-arrays form (N, 3)

(static) notify()

Runs .refresh() method to all objects present in this.observers property. Renders.

(static) polyCalc()

When called, coefficients are calculated. This takes the FiberSource instance from control points, and a specified mode to compute the tangents.
The output is the coefficients as

(x,y,z)(t)= a + b[(t-ti)/(ti1-ti)] + c[(t-ti)/(ti1-ti)]^2 + d[(t-ti)/(ti1-ti)]^3

for each x, y and z and for each pair of points, as this.xpoly, this.ypoly and this.zpoly. Timestamps normalized in <[0,1] are also calculated in this.ts.

(static) setControlPoint(n, axis, value)

Sets a value to a given Control Point in a given Axis. Refreshes coefficients and notifies observers.
Name Type Description
n number Index in this.controlPoints of Control Point to be set.
axis string Axis in which to apply the change 'x', 'y' or 'z'.
value number Value to set.